Mon - 40 lengths swim. Still reacting to Bahrain, so more tablets taken. Stoker did 60 mins bike intervals in gym.
Tues - 30 mins row (6250m) and 40 lengths swim. Need to swim more and faster if I am to more-than-just-survive the sprint Triathlon on 22 May. I have co-opted Craig from work to be part of a team for the run as I am useless at running and have no intention of doing more than walking the 5km at the end.
Wed - better start at 5:15 just after sunup. No traffic, cool air (at start!), bright sun, and the trees shade the road through AlJasra. 5 laps for 31km at a good speed. Followed a Course on the Garmin 605, its neat. Curry night at Embassy in evening.
Thur - recovery day after night before!
Fri - 6:15 start, tandemed to Awali, picked up Seana & Richard, 15km loop into "desert" i.e. oil field, then breakfast stop at Riffa Golf Club. Yummy real bacon & egg butty. Then reversed back home via Zallaq. 39 C when we got back - it felt it and we needed lots of water. 65km altogether.
Going too fast!

Riffa back to Awali
Wed - better start at 5:15 just after sunup. No traffic, cool air (at start!), bright sun, and the trees shade the road through AlJasra. 5 laps for 31km at a good speed. Followed a Course on the Garmin 605, its neat. Curry night at Embassy in evening.
Thur - recovery day after night before!
Fri - 6:15 start, tandemed to Awali, picked up Seana & Richard, 15km loop into "desert" i.e. oil field, then breakfast stop at Riffa Golf Club. Yummy real bacon & egg butty. Then reversed back home via Zallaq. 39 C when we got back - it felt it and we needed lots of water. 65km altogether.
Going too fast!
Riffa back to Awali
Zallaq to Malkiya, with wind
Sat - 53km to Riffa Fort (2 hills) Awali to pick up Seana and Richard, Zallaq, Hamala for breakfast snack, then across highway to Camel Farm for pictures) Wind was strong N and the going was tough coming back, but at least it was about 5 degrees cooler. Drove S&R back with their bikes.