Sun - Good 34k around AlJasra till traffic got nasty after 6:30.
Mon - 32k, BDF, Wafiq, Kazakan, then looping round AlJasra. Spin/Abs at Ritz in evening. Tues - Strong N wind (24mph). 15km ride, 3km walk around AlJasra. Had puncture outside PM's palace, immediately a guard came over to check up on me and he stayed to "help". Replaced with spare, that was also immediately punctured. Thorn I reckon though I couldn't feel it inside the tyre. So a walk back home. Repaired both and replaced tyre with a spare as the steel beading on old one was wearing and really hard to get off/on. Wed - Choir went on till late last night, so had a rest this morning and got up at 7am (high wind still). Spin/abs in evening.Thur - woke up late, it was gusty so 50 lengths swim. G,S & M visiting from Riyadh so Trader Vics for meal and too much to drink.
Fri - but G and I managed to surface as planned last night for a ride. Riffa Fort, the rear tire bottomed out. Pumped up, then 2 k later, went flat again. Changed for spare. Tire is looking past due and the rubber breaking down. Really appreciated that a car, then a Harley stopped to checked we were OK. Were going to cycle round back of Awali to Golf Cafe but running out of time and wind getting up, so cut back in front of Awali to Golf to meet S&M for bacon and egg butties. 28k. Forced bikes into car to return. G&I went to Skate Shack for a new tire for me, and a bike computer for G. S&M bought a few horsey things. G&S got the usual "veal" from Alosra to take back to the Magic Kingdom. I fitted the new tire. Very nice to catch up with G&S. Diving tomorrow.
Sat - Not diving. Its blown up a gusty dust storm. So 30 mins row, 40 lengths swim before breakfast, and spin/abs in evening.
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