Thur - Stoker's birthday. Attempting to WFH whilst last minute packing & going out for lunch. Weather is starting to look a bit damp for the start.
Wed - Into work in London. Much Ado About Nothing at Open Air Theatre in Regent's Park in evening with K&M.
Tues - Dropped of bike at BikeAdventures in Ascot, thanks to SatNav directions. WFH. Laid out gear to pack. Seems a lot, need to thin it out.
G&P came round for a garden tour and curry at Sathi. G, my blog stalker, complained that I should have the most recent entry first in the weekly posting to save her scrolling down, so in response to this user feedback I have re-order this entry and future ones. BTW, if you need light bulbs, you can't beat:

Mon - Into work in London. Ian at work configured a spare UK Blackberry for the trip and I switched it over for Instamapper tracking tracking on this site. Bought cut away saddle to hopefully relieve the numb bits I experienced yesterday. Final check and pack of bike into Prius, it hangs out the back but fits surprisingly well. If I removed the front wheel and didn't have a passenger it would fit in with the boot lid closed.
Sun - Up at 6:45 for breakfast before leaving at 8:00 to cycle to Great Missendon for the start of the Chiltern 100 Sportive Corto route (11.5 miles). Friendly atmosphere, super weather, 100s of bikes. We were the only tandem. Set off in first wave at 9:30 with Chris who soon went ahead. 27 miles to the food station past Brill, wolfed down cake, saugage rolls and isotonic drink, then headed back. 10 miles to go sign didn't mention Pink Lane hill, a huge long grind in bottom gear, some were walking. But we made it and then felt good to cycle in hard to finish (54 miles for event). Then 11.5 miles back to a pint in the Rose & Crown, home, shower, hot tub. 75 miles in total. Weather was fantastic, other cyclists were very interested in our tandem, if I had a pound for each time I was told "she's not cycling you know" I would be rich. We were faster than the half bikes going downhill, and kept up on the flat, but really slowed down up the hills. But the objective was achieved, the bike went well as did we, boosting our confidence for The Ride. Gorgeous route, great views across Vale of Alysbury, 2 miles though bridleway in Eythrope Park. Just a couple of awkward turns where traffic crossing meant we had to stop and restart.
Sat - Tandemed to Amersham (6 miles) and found Dees Cycles near the station. Lots of kit. Stoker bought longs, gloves, handlebar grips, bar ends, handlebar tape and me a specialised bike jersey. I bought 4 spare spokes. Went back via G&P's for coffee and to hear about them meeting the Queen at passing out at Cranwell the day before. Then zoomed up to Oxford for lunch with Jon and punting on river - it was busy with bumps and lovely weather. After tea came back and managed to stay awake to eat the dinner I missed the night before.
Fri - Arrived on time, managed to sleep curled across 3 seats. Stoker picked me up from T5. Cycled tandem to Ricky and checked out Halfords (BikeHut lasted less than a year) for kit, nothing. Fellow inmates of the Compound came round from drinks in the evening to check out our new "ground forced" garden, lots of merriment. Apparently I crashed out at 10 and was incoherent, jet lag I say.
Thanks for the swift response to user feedback!and link plus the pic of lightbulb man - we expect the orders to come flooding in from other blog stalkers!! Very Good luck to you both ...and Happy Birthday to Cherry! x